Breast-Firming Exercises: When it comes to fitness, the best you can do is to try doing right exercises that can not only tone your body but also shape it nicely.
Considering women, they often have to face the problem of larger breast sizes. There are some breast firming exercises recommended to maintain their breasts in natural shape.
As you grow with age, there are many things that are difficult to keep under your control.
And so, you often have to face lack of support, weight gain and many more such things that play a major role to make your breasts sagging.
If you are also fed up with your sagging breasts then follow all the below mentioned breast firming exercises that will help you strengthen your pectorals to make you in shape.
Take a look at the 10 breast firming exercises that every woman should try to keep her body in shape.
Table of Contents
10 Breast-Firming Exercises
Cobra Pose
Cobra pose is also known as Bhujangasana is one of the powerful yoga poses that has the capability to strengthen your abdominal muscles.
It works by supporting your chests and toning your breasts. And so, it becomes one of the best breast firming exercises.
Follow the below given steps to make the perfect pose of Cobra pose
- Simply start by lying down on your stomach. Keep your legs extended so that your feet tops are resting on floor
- Next, place your hands under your shoulders along with your elbows tucked in
- Try to life your chest and head off the ground by lifting your shoulders backward. Keep your neck neutral. You need to strengthen your arms as per your comfort level
- Hold this pose for 30 seconds and return. Now, repeat te entire process up to 3 times
Traveling Plank
Traveling plank can always prove beneficial once you do it correctly. In order to do this exercise, you need to really focus on your chest muscles to make them strengthen.
It’s also one of the best breast firming exercises recommended. Follow the below given steps to make this happen:
- Simply start this exercise in a plank position keeping your neck and head in a neutral position. Keep your hands stacked under your shoulders.
- Try in such a way to ensure that your lower back doesn’t sag
- Now, lift your right hand and foot off the ground and move your right foot to he right. This counts one rep
- Take a pause for a second, reset and move another foot to your right
- Complete at least 10 steps to the right and switch slides
- Make your way back to the start and keep stepping with your left foot and left hand
- Repeat it for 3 times
Pushups are recommended as one of the best best firming exercises or whole body exercises to keep you in shape.
Please note that pushups also target your pectoral muscles in a legitimate way.
You can try dropping to your knees if you find traditional pushups hard for you. Try the following steps to undergo pushups in a right manner.
- First take a plank position. Place your hands somewhat wider than your shoulders. Your neck and head should remain neutral with your core tight
- Now, bend your elbows and push yourself slowly until your chest comes closer to the floor
- Keep in mind that you don’t make your elbows bowed out at 90 degree angle. It’s because they need to be tucked close into your body
- Finally, try to extend your arms and return to the starting point
- Complete up to 3 sets or as many as you can make
Plank Reach-Under
Plank reach-under is also one of the great breast firming exercises that make you alternate on a single arm. Try the following steps to make this happen.
- First, start in a plank position by keeping your hands under your shoulders. Keep your back neutral with your core right
- Next, you need to maintain your plank position. Start with your right arm. Finally, lift your both hands off the ground by touching your left knee
- Now, return your plank position. Repeat the entire process 10 times with your right arm
- Switch to your left arm and again complete your 10 reps
Dumbbell Chest Press
Bench press is a traditional chest exercise. But when you make it happen using dumbbells, it allows a greater range of motion and flexibility. If you are starting, do it with 10-15 pounds (lightweight) dumbbells.
Follow the given below steps to make this happen
- Place a dumbbell in both of your hands by sitting on the end of the bench
- Keep yourself down to make your back flat on the bench and your knees are bent. Make sure your feet are flat on the floor
- In order to set up bench press, it’s time to bring your upper arms out at your side. They should be parallel to the floor. Bent your elbows consciously so as the weights are parallel to your upper arms
- Extend your arms and try to push dumbbells away from the floor up. It should be towards midline of your body
- At the time when your arms are fully extended, simply pause and start to lower the back down to the start position
- Repeat the above steps
Chest Fly
The chest fly mainly targets your chest muscles and reduces tightness in your upper body.
You can do this exercise with your dumbbells and is recommended to be a great exercise for lifting sagging breasts.
- First, get your upper body rest on a stability ball in such a way to form a 90 degree angle with the rest of your body
- Keep your upper legs straight and knees bent. Keep your feet flat on the ground as well. Your arms should be parallel to the floor
- Try to raise both dumbbells simultaneously up toward your midline as as to stretch your chest muscles
- Lower back down after reaching to the center until you feel a kind of stretch in your chest muscles
- Repeat the above exercise
Dumbbell Bench Press
Dumbbell bench press is recommended to be the best exercise to make your sagging breasts in a firm position.
If you do this exercise regularly, it can be an effective breast lifting workout routine.
- First, get your upper body rest on a stability ball in such a way to form a 90 degree angle with the rest of your body
- Keep your upper legs straight and knees bent. Keep your feet flat on the ground as well. Also, keep your arms parallel to the floor
- Try to raise both dumbbells simultaneously up toward your midline as as to stretch your chest muscles
- Lower back down after reaching to the center until you feel a kind of stretch in your chest muscles
- Repeat the above exercise up to 3 times
Dumbbell Pullover
Dumbbell pullover works on your chest and back muscles which is often termed as a great isolation exercise.
- Try to extend your arms towards the ceiling and over the chest. Keep your palms face each other. Keep your elbows slightly bent
- By inhaling, extend the weights back and over your head. Maintain a strong back and core
- Take a few seconds to reach a fully extended position where your weights are behind but not below your head
- Finally, exhale slowly and return your arms to the starting position
Bow Pose
Bow pose is also known as Dhanurasana. It has the capacity to bring your breasts back in shape by eliminating backaches.
- First you need to lie flat on your stomach
- Exhale while you bend your knees
- Next, try to lift your hands and hold your ankles
- Inhale and lift he heels away from your buttocks. Keep hold your ankles
- You can draw your tailbone into the mat so as to deepen the stretch
Wall Push-Ups
Like the above breast firming exercises, wall pushups can also help build and strengthen your chest muscles.
It can help lift and perk up your breasts naturally. Follow the below mentioned steps to do this exercise.
- First, lift one of your legs off the ground
- Next, bend your elbows slowly
- Start leaning your body towards the wall until your nose touches it
- Keep your back straight with your elbows bending at 45 degree angle
- Push back to the starting position slowly
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