Cancer Eradication: Medical science is still not able to compete with some dreaded diseases like cancer. This is quite evident with the fact that hundreds of people lose their lives because of it.
If you look at the data supplied by WHO (World Health Organization), more than 10 million people lost their lives in the year 2020. This basically gives a idea that one in 6 people lose his life due to cancer.
In order to study the above menace, scientists conduct various experiments and research from time to time.
In the latest research conducted by them, they revolved their studies on a specific drug TSR-042 (dostarlimab).
If it is followed by some traditional treatments like standard surgery and chemoradiotherapy, it’s found to be effective against advanced cancers.
In the study conducted, all the participants were given this drug for a period of 3 months where 12 patients instantly showed a great response having no signs of tumor without undergoing any sort of side effects.
At this time when the research has been completed, the results look optimistic. Still, researchers feel that above treatment procedure can’t actually replace the current present and ongoing treatment approach.
Patients were found to have a better prognosis who developed a clinical response after undergoing the general treatments like radiation therapy and chemotherapy against those who couldn’t show any clinical response.
Most experts now feel that if such a research is conducted on a larger bracket of people and results are positive, it would be a great hope in the future for such patients.
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