How Mewing Helps to Reshape Your Jawline? Does It Work?

What Is Mewing? Mewing is a technique to restructure your jawline (facial restructure) which involves reposition of tongue

The technique involves proper tongue alignment which helps to adjust and define your jawline, as suggested by orthodontists

Today, due to its popularity, people like to go ahead with mewing due to one reason or the other and want to redefine their jawline

But the technique itself has a lot of limitations and is not necessarily work the way you find it on a YouTube video or website

In order to mew properly, simply relax your tongue to lie against the roof of your mouth which also includes the back of your tongue

Just like every other technique, there is a catch with mewing as well. You may have to wait for years to see the results

Most people who are interested to undergo the process of mewing on their own try to watch similar videos on YouTube

You might have noticed many of these online tutorials suggest to practice it for weeks or months instead of required years

If you are concerned to fix your jawline or any other facial deformity with the help of mewing, first consult an expert