الرئيسية News Nutrition What Are the Consequences of Vitamin K Deficiency?

What Are the Consequences of Vitamin K Deficiency?

Vitamin K Deficiency

Vitamin K Deficiency: What happens when you don’t get enough Vitamin K in your diet. Are there any major consequences? The present document will help you understand the importance of vitamin K in your body.

As you need other vitamins like vitamins A, B, C, D and E, vitamin K is equally important. It basically aids in keeping optimal blood clotting along with preventing excessive bleeding.

Vitamin K is basically a group of vitamins found in green leafy vegetables. It includes vitamin K1 (Phytonadione), K2 (Menaquinone) that are widely available in the form of supplements.

If deficiency of this vitamin happens by any means, it is likely to cause some major health issues.

Now, what you have to go through if you don’t get enough vitamin k is something what will be discussed in the below section of this document.


Vitamin K Role In the Body

In short, vitamin k is equally beneficial for the body like other vitamins. Due to this, it has a large sort of benefits an should not be neglected.

Some of the essentials of Vitamin K includes preventing bleeding disorders in new-born, reversing harmful effects blood thinning medicines, and other hemorrhagic diseases due to the absence of vitamin k.

At the same time, Vitamin K also helps in promoting your bone health with the help of Vitamin D. It also strengthens the skeletal structure, increases bone density, and cuts down the chances of fracture when it comes to older women.

Vitamin K is also known to prevent conditions like bone loss or osteoporosis. Recent studies have revealed that this vitamin prevents natural mineralization of your arterial walls and thus keeps your blood pressure within limits.

Vitamin K is also required by the body to take care dental health. It attains this by releasing osteocalcin required for the growth of dentin (calcified tissue below the teeth’ enamel).

This vitamin is responsible to make your teeth stronger directly from roots. And so, it helps preventing tooth decay.

In senior citizen people, the use of vitamin K is that it helps to improve their memory power. It also helps reduce itching mainly caused due to biliary cirrhosis.

It further helps reduce the incidence of reducing blood cholesterol level in those on dialysis.


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What Are the Problems Arise Due to Vitamin K Deficiency

Do you know that lower levels of vitamin K may increase the chances of uncontrolled bleeding? Please note that vitamin k deficiency occurrences are most commonly found in new born instead of adults.

In order to sort this out, a single injection of vitamin k in new born is sufficient. Sometimes, due to the overdose of blood thinner Coumadin, extra doses of vitamin k is given.

Some of the indications of the deficiency of vitamin k include small blood clots underneath nails, bruising, bleeding in nose, skin, GI tract, along with instant bleeding in brain which may prove fatal.


Foods Containing Enough Vitamin K

Foods that are recommended to overcome the deficiency of vitamin K include spinach, asparagus, broccoli, legumes like soybeans, eggs, strawberries, okra, cabbage, prunes, parsley, soybean, pumpkin, Kiwi, avocado, blueberry, parsley, lettuce, cauliflower, cheese, milk, and yogurt.


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