Marburg Virus Symptoms: As per the data provided by WHO, Marburg virus is causing all the damage due to its sereneness. The virus is known to spread fatal illness with a fatality rate of 50%.
The current status about Marburg virus is that an outbreak was just reported in Ghana where 2 cases were reported from Ashanti region of the West African nation.
In the report, it was revealed that both the patients who suffered infections have died making other 98 people put under quarantine.
As per the World Health Organization (WHO), Marburg Virus Disease (MVD) is a severe form of illness where a fatality rate of 50% has been spotted in humans.
As per WHO, the fatality rate of the virus often ranges from 24% to 88% in the past.
But the new research has claimed the virus to have a much higher fatality rate. It has become one of the most threatening viral infections causing hemorrhagic fever.
Due to the lack of antiviral drugs, it becomes quite difficult to contain the spread of the virus in humans.
Table of Contents
How Marburg virus Infection Spreads?
It’s known that Fruit bats of the Pteropodidae family are the source of the virus. Marburg virus is different than Ebola virus.
It’s through these bats that this deadly virus gets transmitted to humans.
Just like COVID-19, the infection due to MVD spreads rapidly. And therefore more community engagement needed to create awareness to stop this menace.
Marburg Virus Symptoms
Take a look at some of the most common Marburg virus symptoms:
- Diarrhoea
- Pain
- Muscle aches
- Severe discomfort, illness
- Severe headache
- Fever
Marburg Virus Symptoms Phases
As per the data collected from European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the incubation period of Marburg virus infection is divided into 3 phases:
- The first phase (days 1–4), early organ phase (days 5–13), followed by either a late organ or a convalescence phase (days 13+),” the ECDC says.
- As per ECDC, one of the Marburg virus symptoms include gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea, vomiting, severe nausea, abdominal discomfort, anorexia, etc. This mostly occurs between 2-3 days.
- Towards the advancement of the infection, it may also lead to some neurological issues like seizures and disorientation.
Extreme Weakness
In addition to the common Marburg virus symptoms, the patient has extreme weakness. This is one of the critical symptoms.
The incubation period ranges between 2 to 21 days. On the 3rd day, the patient experiences some other symptoms like vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain and cramping, diarrhea, etc.
This is the phase where the person acquires ghost like appearance with expressionless faces, deep-set eyes, and extreme weakness.
Hemorrhagic Manifestations
Another crucial aspect is that many patients develop hemorrhagic manifestations within a period of 5 to 7 days.
The patient also experiences bleeding from gums, nose, and vagina where traces of blood can be seen during vomit and faeces.
It’s also known as the inflammation of one or both the testicles. It generally develops in the latter phase of the infection. As per WHO, it begins on the 15th day onward.
Orchitis happens after a bacterial or viral infection. Just like Marburg, Mumps virus is also known to cause orchitis.
Fatal cases
In some exceptional fatal cases, death occurs between 8 and 9 days after the onset of symptoms. It happens after severe blood loss and shock.
How Marburg Virus Transmitted Among Humans?
It generally transmits via bodily secretions, direct contact, and blood with an infected patient. Health workers often fall prey to the infection.
How to Manage the Infection?
Although, no antiviral treatment is available to curb the disease due to Marburg virus, most health experts say drinking lots of water can help improve the condition of the patient.
It may be because of excessive intake of fluid (water) helps the body during extreme weakness.
Self isolation and early detection of the disease is the best way to stop the disease spread.
People should avoid contaminated food or water. They need to follow hygienic practices like washing hands with soap, wearing gloves when meeting patients, wearing masks, etc.
Also Read: What Is Marburg Virus & How to Prevent Its Spread?