الرئيسية News Naloxone Drug Cost May Keep Many Uninsured Using Life-Saving Treatment

Naloxone Drug Cost May Keep Many Uninsured Using Life-Saving Treatment

naloxone drug

A new RAND Corporation study has come out describing the fate of costliest drugs in the US. Naloxone drug (opioid antidote)cost is so much that generally keeps most of the uninsured people out of reach. And this keeps the treatment from saving more people who overdose on opioids.

In the recent time, there are laws made to make it easier for those prescribing naloxone drug. But the actual cost of the drug still keeps most uninsured out of reach.

The overall uninsured population in the US represents almost 20% adults who have an opioid use disorder. The above findings have been recently published in the journal JAMA Health Forum.

Policymakers Should Consider Slashing the Price of Naloxone Drug

Evan Peet, who studied the latest development in this regard says, “The price of naloxone is almost certainly an impediment to more widespread adoption among the uninsured,” he said.

He further asserted, “Policymakers who want to further expand access to naloxone — particularly among the uninsured and vulnerable — need to pay greater attention to the out of-pocket costs.” he said.

The current rise in the distribution of naloxone has made policy makers to devise certain strategies which can help many reversing the effects of an opioid overdose.

Although, many laws now exist to prescribe and get naloxone drug, less attention is given to cease its financial barrier.

Many researchers in this regard have to say that in order to prevent opioid overdose causalities and enhance the use of naloxone drug, policymakers need to consider various subsidies on its price for the drug purchases.


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Source: Medindia.net

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