الرئيسية News Scant Evidence to Justify Widespread Prescription of Mood-Altering Drugs to children for...

Scant Evidence to Justify Widespread Prescription of Mood-Altering Drugs to children for Mental Health Issues

Mood-Altering Drugs
Experts warn in an editorial in the August issue of Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin that there is limited evidence to support the widespread and increasing use of mood-altering drugs (psychotropics) as the primary treatment for mental health issues in children and young people.

Researchers insist that current prescribing practices for mood-altering drugs—such as sedatives, anti-anxiolytics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and melatonin—must become much safer.


Scant Evidence to Justify Widespread Prescription of Mood-Altering Drugs to children for Mental Health Issues

They note a steady rise in the prescription of these drugs to children and young people, often for extended periods.

Citing previous UK studies, the editorialists highlight that the prescribing rate of antipsychotics for children increased by over 3% annually from 2000 to 2019, while the rate of antidepressant prescriptions for 12-17 year olds more than doubled between 2005 and 2017.

Data from another study reveals that over 56,000 children under 17 were given melatonin in 2022, marking a 168% rise since 2015.

This issue extends beyond the UK, with similar trends seen in the US. A significant household survey shows a growing number of young individuals being prescribed a mix of these drugs, despite growing concerns regarding their safety and effectiveness.

The editorialists highlight a significant gap in research concerning the safety of psychotropic drugs for children.
In response to concerns about antipsychotic use in foster care settings, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry has recommended a cautious approach, advocating for a “start low, go slow” strategy.

They stress the importance of regular reviews and timely cessation of these medications. Yet, evidence suggests that primary care doctors may lack confidence in reducing dosages, while hospital-based doctors often find that inpatient stays are too brief to initiate tapering.


More Details:
“Challenging Use of Psychotropic Medication in Young People,” which raises concerns about the increasing prescription of psychotropic drugs to children and adolescents (DOI: 10.1136/dtb.2024.000022).


By British Medical Journal 

“Limited Evidence Supporting Widespread Use of Mood-Altering Drugs for Children’s Mental Health Issues” (2024, July 29). Retrieved July 30, 2024.

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