Amla is a widely known fruit which is also known as Indian Gooseberry. It has huge benefits and is often recommended by medical experts to increase immune system and lots more.
Amla has surplus amount of nutrition. For example, this superfood contains 8 times more vitamin C as compared to an orange. It has thrice the antioxidant power of acacia berry.
With so many benefits at one place, Amla (Indian Gooseberry) is also sometimes referred to a kind of super food.
Amla basically comes as a translucent green fruit. It derived its name from a Sanskrit word ‘Amlaki’ meaning “nectar of life”. The reason why it’s most recommended is because it protects us from a plethora of medical ailments like infertility issues, common cold, cancer and many more.
If you look at what Ayurveda doctors claim about this fruit, then you probably start eating this fruit right away. As per these experts, the fruit can widely help balance three doshas (Kapha/vista/pitta) in your body. And this is how it eliminates the underlying cause of many diseases and risks.
Table of Contents
Amla (Indian Gooseberry) Nutritional Value
For adults, experts recommend to consume this super food in quantities up to 75-90 mg per day. Take a look at the nutritional value of Amla (100 g)
- Vitamin 600mg
- Nicene 0.2mg
- Riboflavin 0.01mg
- Thiamine 0.03mg
- Carotene 9 mcg
- Iron 1.2 mg
- Calcium 50 %
- Carbohydrates 13.7 g
- Fat 0.1%
- Proteins 0.5%
- Fiber 3.4%
- Energy 58 Kcal
The health benefit doesn’t end up here. You need to read the entire post to know how much beneficial this super food is.
8 Benefits of Amla (Indian Gooseberry)
Here you will find some great benefits of Amla and the reason why medical experts recommend it to consume on a daily basis.
Helps Fight the Common Cold
Do you know that vitamin C is far more easily absorbed in the body as compared to other body supplements. In order to prevent common cold issues, mix two teaspoons of amla powder with two teaspoons of honey.
Consume this mixture at least 3-4 times a day for an instant relief. For permanent protection from common cold, it is recommended to consume it once daily.
Amla Improves Your Eyesight
As per studies conducted in this regard, it has been found that Amla has surplus amount of carotene which improves your vision. If you consume it daily, it will drastically improve your vision related issues.
In addition to this, it is also known to provide an overall great eye health as it’s known to reduce intraocular tension and cataract problems. It also prevents itching, reddening and watering of eyes.
In addition to this, The Indian Gooseberry is also rich in vitamin A which is known to lower the risk of age related macular degeneration.
Burns Fat
Although, the above benefit of amla is least advocated by experts, it’s considered the most exciting benefit of this amazing super food. Please note that a protein present in it prevents your cravings. It’s also very low in carbohydrate and fat content.
A single serving (150 mg) of amla contains 66 calories, 1 gram protein, 15g carbohydrates and less than 1g of fat. Those who consume it on a regular basis say that when they consume its juice before a meal, it actually fills them up and also make them look less bloated.
Amla Builds Immunity
Amla is known for its strong astringent and antibacterial properties and therefore boosts your immune system. It’s also known to fight serious medical ailments like cancer due to its property to fight with free radicals.
It happens in such a way that when your body cells use oxygen, they leave behind some harmful by products known as free radicals. This is why it is considered a potent antioxidant which can mainly prevent this kind of oxidation and helps to protect the cell.
Amla Beautifies Your Hair
Like other benefits of amla, it is also known to be a tonic for your hair. It’s because the super food has so many essential fatty acids that have the power to penetrate deep inside your hair follicles and slow down the process of graying.
And so, it prevents some other hair issues like dandruff and overall strengthens your hair follicles.
Please also note that this tangy fruit also has surplus amounts of carotene and iron content which helps in boosting hair growth. It also acts as a natural hair conditioner. And so, you can apply its oil for a hair pack.
Amla Improves Skin
Amla is known to be a best ant aging fruit. The percentage of antioxidants and vitamin C is known to reduce wrinkles and fine lines by offering radiant skin. If you drink its juice with honey every morning, it can give you a healthy and glowing skin.
Amla Helps Manage Chronic Conditions
Amla is full of chromium that helps reduce bad cholesterol. In the same way, it also helps stimulate the production of insulin, thereby reducing the chances of blood glucose level of diabetics.
Drinking its juice early every morning or when your blood pressure is raised helps to keep it under normal ranges.
It Relieves Pain
Amla has power to reduce join pain. It’s also recommended to combat painful mouth ulcers. It can give you some great results relief owing to its anti-inflammatory properties.
Due to its great properties, it is also used as an analgesic to treat wounds. As per research, the extracts of this fruits are used to ease neuropathic and postoperative pain. To get relief from ulcers, simply dilute its juice in half a cup of water and try to gargle with it.
How to Use Amla (Indian Gooseberry
In order to reap most benefits of amla, you need to drink its fresh juice. The fruit becomes available widely starting from December through April. You can try the following:
Simply chop amla into small pieces. Now, mix them with a little salt and finally dry them in sunlight for a few days. Once dehydrated, store it in a dry place or jar for an ideal snack.
It’s widely used in the form of achar (sour) or sweet murabba by soaking it in sugary water
Healthy Recipes
Amla Vegetable
It can be used to make a tasty vegetable like that of any other vegetable. Try these ingredients to make it:
- Amla ¼ kg
- Oil as per requirement
- Salt to taste
- A pinch of hing
- Jeera (cumin) powder ¼ tsp
- Dhania (coriander) powder 1 tsp
- Methi (fenugreek) powder 3 tsp
- Red chilli powder 1 tsp
- Haldi (turmeric powder) ¼ tsp
- A few curry leaves (kadipatta
- Rai seeds (mustard) ½ tsp
- Green chilli paste 2 tsp
- Ginger-garlic paste 1 tsp
- Onion, finely-chopped 1
Cook amla in a pressure cooker with a cup of water up to 2 whistles. Now, open the cooker and remove its seeds
Heat oil in a frying pan. Add kadipatta, hing, rai and make them plunder
Add ginger garlic paste, onion, green chilies and fry them for a few minutes
Add dry masalas and continue to stir on a medium flame
Finally, add amla and salt to stir well. Put them off after contents are dry.
Amla Chutney
- Amla 4 pieces
- Oil, 1 tsp
- Salt to taste
- Rai (mustard) seeds ¼ tsp
- Pinch of hing
- Pinch of jeera
- A small piece of ginger piece
- Green chilly 2
- Corainder leaves 2 tsp
First, soak it in hot water up to 5 minutes and then peel skin. Also, remove seeds.
Next, add coriander leaves with jeera, ginger and salt. Make a paste out of them in a grinder.
Heat oil in a pan. Add hing and rai. Temper this paste and mix it well.
Nutritional Content (100g serving)
- Fat 0%
- Protein 0.40%
- Carbohydrates 75.40%
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q 1. How many amla recommended to be eaten in a day?
Ideally, you can have 1-2 amla in a day which can be in the form of amla juice or in the raw form. It’s recommended to consult a doctor before you start eating this superfood. Please note that it should not be consumed when you are breastfeeding or pregnant. It’s also not recommended in cases of low blood sugar levels.
Q 2. What are the benefits of eating amla?
If you add amla to your daily diet, it can give you loads of surprising benefits. For example, it helps to improve your immunity and also aids in weight management. It prevents viral infections. It’s also a natural blood purifier and relieves pain.
Q.3. Does amla have any side effects?
Although, amla has loads of health benefits, it can increase the risk of bleeding disorder (if you’re already diagnosed with it). It can also lower your blood sugar levels. And so, people having diabetes consume it after consulting with their doctor.
Q. 4. What is the best time to eat amla?
Consume it early morning to reap maximum benefits.
Q.5. Is amla good for weight loss?
Amla is known to enhance metabolism and helps burns extra calories. Just drink a glass of its juice in the morning itself as a natural detoxifier.
Q.6. Who should not consume amla?
Breastfeeding and pregnant women or those with diabetes need to avoid it.
Q.7. Does amla reduce blood pressure?
Yes, due to the presence of high antioxidants and potassium content, it helps reduce high blood pressure. If you consume it with one teaspoon of honey, it can give you some amazing benefits.
Q.8. How is amla good for hair?
Due to the presence of high carotene and iron content, it is recommended for hair growth and strengthening.
Q.9. Is amla good for fatty liver?
As Amla has loads of antioxidant properties, it’s recommended great for those having a weak digestive system and fatty liver issues.
Q.10. Can we drink amla juice every day?
If you drink its juice every day, it can boost your immune system and improves your hair texture and color.
Q.11. What’s the best time to have amla juice?
Simply consume its juice in the morning after you wake up.
Q.12. Is Amla juice good for skin?
It has loads of vitamin A, vitamin C and antioxidants which help to purify blood naturally. It also gives your skin look glow. Similarly, it also has anti ageing properties as well.
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