الرئيسية News Living Healthy Calorie Restriction Trial Reveals A Gene Responsible to Prolong Healthy Life

Calorie Restriction Trial Reveals A Gene Responsible to Prolong Healthy Life

calorie restriction prolongs healthy life

Calorie Restriction: As per a study conducted on animals, scientists have found that a calorie restriction diet on such animals. The researchers have already identified a key protein having the capability to increase the life span. It means the number of years people live disease free.

The study carried out on animals revealed that up to 40% calorie restriction are commonly found which affects the immunity, reproduction and growth among them.

On the other hand, the Lab studies of small animals like mice, worms, fruit flies and rats showed that those who were fed a calorie restricted diet, they lived up to twice as long as those fed with unrestricted diet.

As per a new study conducted by a team of scientists from Yale University, they have investigated the effects of calorie restriction among human beings. It reveals some new ways of extending their healthy life span.

Healthy Adults

In the original study conducted by a team of scientists, they analyzed over 200 people who were aged between 21-50 years.

This is what the findings revealed, “The data presented in the study was very interesting. There have been multiple research studies on calorie restriction and lower carbohydrate profiles that are important to consider. The addition of this research is beneficial to advancing and supporting other findings.” it showed.


Calorie Restriction Effects on Thymus

The researchers looked ways on the effects of calorie restriction on thymus gland. Thymus gland is a part of our immune system situated just above the heart. It is involved in producing T cells known to produce immunity by fighting infections.

Hormones that are released by thymus are also known to inhibit our aging process as well. With the age advancement, out thymus gland becomes smaller and fatty. It produces fewer number of T cells. Due to this, older people are found to have low immunity as compared to younger ones.

When scientists performed studies on thymus glands, they found people with calorie restriction diet had somewhat greater functional volume as compared to those with patterns in their diets.

It was found that thymus glands of such restricted diet group were found to be less fatty and eventually produced more T cells as compared to those with unrestricted diet group.


Key Gene Involved

Researcher came to know about the gene linked with such effects are known as PLA2G7. It’s a protein produced by our immune cells called macrophages.

In order to confirm that PLA2G7 gene is responsible to cause the effects of calorie restriction, they deleted the gene that codes this particular protein in mice.

When the findings were analyzed, they came to know that lesser diet-induced the same improvement in the function of thymus along with less age-related inflammation and less diet-induced weight gain.


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