الرئيسية Health Typhoid Cases On the Rise: Identifying Typhoid Fever

Typhoid Cases On the Rise: Identifying Typhoid Fever

typhoid fever

As you see, the monsoon season has caused a surge in typhoid fever cases in Telangana, with 800 outpatient cases daily reported at the Government Fever Hospital. Dr. Shankar notes a rise in seasonal illnesses, including dengue.



Typhoid, caused by Salmonella typhi, typically begins slowly, presenting symptoms like high fever, weakness, gastrointestinal problems, and rash, with potential complications such as intestinal perforation.

To prevent typhoid, practice good hygiene, ensure safe drinking water, and consider vaccination. Early diagnosis and treatment with antibiotics, along with stool cultures, are essential.

As the monsoon season begins, typhoid fever cases are on the rise nationwide. In Telangana, hospitals are seeing 5 to 6 new typhoid fever cases daily.

The Fever Hospital is experiencing a surge in outpatient visits, with 800 cases reported each day. Patients are arriving with symptoms like cold, cough, body aches, vomiting, diarrhea, and various other complaints.

As per ANI report, Dengue and typhoid cases are rising daily, with 5 to 6 new cases reported each day at the Fever Hospital,” stated Dr. Shankar, Superintendent of Government Fever Hospital.


What’s Typhoid Fever? How to Identify It?

Typhoid is basically caused by the Salmonella typhi bacteria, which are transmitted through contaminated water.

The risk of infection rises during the monsoon season due to greater chances of contamination. After entering the digestive system, these bacteria migrate to the bloodstream and spread in your body.

Typhoid symptoms usually develop gradually and may initially mimic other illnesses. Early indicators include a high fever, often between 103-104°F (39-40°C), along with weakness, headaches, and muscle pain. As the disease progresses, you might also experience stomach pain, reduced appetite, and a rash of flat, rose-colored spots.

A notable aspect of typhoid fever is its effect on the digestive system, which can lead to alternating constipation and diarrhea, with stools that may be loose or unusually dry.

In severe cases, complications such as intestinal perforation or encephalitis (brain inflammation) may occur, requiring urgent medical care.


Prevention & Treatment

In order to diagnose typhoid fever, it mainly requires assessing clinical symptoms of the patient, performing blood tests to detect the bacteria or antibodies, and sometimes conducting stool cultures for confirmation. Early antibiotic treatment is vital to effectively treat the infection.

To prevent typhoid fever, practice good hygiene by washing hands thoroughly before eating and preparing food, drinking safe water, and steering clear of raw or undercooked foods. At the same time, vaccination is also required.


Also Read: Rising Drug Resistant Typhoid Cases Cause A Concern

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