Blue Waffle: It was in the year 2010 when the word blue waffle disease first came into existence. It started with some disturbing images of pus covered, blue tinted labia circulating online.
While such a fake disease was made to propagate online, users mostly believed that it was actually a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and nothing more than that.
Although, labia were shared in the picture, blue waffle disease never existed in reality. But now, when everything is clear, the entire perspective to claim it a real disease is fake.
In this post, we are going to present some myths regarding blue waffle disease along with some existing STIs and the ways to check for them with clarity.
What is a blue waffle disease hoax?
Blue waffle disease is nothing but a fictional sexually transmitted disease which affects people with vaginas. Talking about ‘waffle’, it’s a slang term used for vagina. While the color ‘blue’ refers to the imaginary symptoms of this unreal and fake condition.
There were so many claims that came along with blue waffle disease. One of them was that it’s an STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) happened only in females. Another false claim was that it affected females having multiple sex partners.
Considering all the above points regarding the blue waffle disease, the medical fraternity doesn’t recognize it. In order to be more precise about STIs, it will be better to have a look at some of them below.
Please note that there exist a number of STIs that cause lesions or discharge among those who are sexually active and contract the bacterial or viral infection.
Real sexually transmitted infections
Blue waffle doesn’t actually exist but there are so many other SITs that you should know about as this will enhance or boost your knowledge on that.
Also, be aware that your risk of getting an STI if you ignore checking your genitals. It’s because it is a healthy practice to take care of your body including your genitals.
Please check below the signs and symptoms of some of the most common STIs.
Bacterial vaginosis (BV)
Bacterial vaginosis or BV is one of the most common vaginal infection found in women aged between 15-44 years as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The reason why it happens is because of an imbalance of bacteria found in vagina.
Although, bacterial infection in vagina occurs in some women but there is no exact cause known for the condition. One of the known causes is change in vaginal pH which increases the overall risk. It mainly happens due to having multiple sex partners.
In most cases of BV, you won’t find any such symptoms like it happens in other such conditions. In cases where symptoms show, they can be like
- A burning sensation during urination
- Feeling of burning, itching or vaginal pain
- A fishy odor that becomes worse after having sex
- White or grayish vaginal discharge
Chlamydia is another such condition which is quite common and can happen at any age. It’s generally transmitted through oral, anal or vaginal sex.
If Chlamydia goes untreated for long, it may cause some serious complication that can even affect the fertility power of a woman. In most cases, the condition is curable if both partners are ready to receive the treatment.
There are people who have no symptoms despite having Chlamydia. Even if you develop symptoms, they take several weeks to appear. Some of the vaginal symptoms include the following:
- Burning sensation at the time of urination
- Abnormal vaginal discharge
Symptoms that affect the penis or testicles include
- Swelling or pain in one or both testicles
- Burning sensation at the time of urination
- A discharge from penis
In cases of people having anal sex, chlamydia is likely to spread through rectum from another area. In such cases, symptoms include the following:
- Rectal bleeding
- Rectum discharge
- Rectal pain
This type of STI can be transmitted to all those people who are sexually active.
Please note that Gonorrhea can not only affect your genitals but also rectum and throat and is generally transmitted through oral, vaginal or anal sex with someone who has it.
Like other STI conditions, Gonorrhea may not cause any serious symptoms.
Still, whatever symptoms appear depend on your sex along with the location of the condition. For example,
A person with a penis may have the following:
- Pain and swelling in the testicles
- A white, yellow or green discharge from penis
- Sensation of burn while urinating
A person with a vagina may have the following:
- Lower abdominal pain
- Pain at the time of having sex
- Bleeding between period
- Increased vaginal discharge
- Sensation of pain or burn while urinating
In the same way, if you have rectal infections it may cause the following:
- A painful bowel movement
- Rectal bleeding
- Itching sensation in anus
- Discharge from the rectum
Genital herpes
Genital herpes is known to spread by two types of herpes simplex virus (HSV):
- HSV-1
- HSV-2
Genital herpes is a kind of sexually transmitted disease and is caused due to sexual contact. In most cases this condition is caused due to HSV-2
After contracting the virus for the first time, it lies in dormant position but can reactivate at any time. At present there is no treatment available for genital herpes.
The symptoms in this condition may appear at young age and begin with 2-12 days after getting exposed to the virus. There are hundreds of cases of genital herpes and the most common symptoms include very mild or no symptoms.
During an initial herpes outbreak, symptoms might include:
- Headache
- Body ache
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Fever
- Enhanced viral shedding
- Lesions that are long lasting
Even when these symptoms get over, the condition can come back. At the time of outbreak, symptoms are found to be less severe as compared to initial outbreak
Some of the known symptoms in herpes include genital pain in the lower body. They can develop a few days before lesions become apparent.
Human papillomavirus (HPV)
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common form of STI. According to the National Cancer Institute, there exist over 200 types of HPV. Out of the above, 40 types have the capacity to affect mucous membranes including the genitals, mouth and rectum.
It has been noticed that people who are sexually active acquire some kind of HPV during their lifetime. The disease can pass through skin contact and also affects your genitals, mouth, rectum and throat.
There are some strains that can produce genital warts. Some others have the capability to cause certain type of cancers that may include the cancer of cervix, mouth, rectum and throat.
Some type of Cancers that can develop due to HPV include
- Vulvar cancer
- Vaginal cancer
- Penile cancer
- Anal cancer
- Oropharyngeal cancers
- Cervical cancer
Most HPV infections cases tend to resolve without asking for a treatment. They don’t cause any sort of symptoms or signs.
But the virus can be there lying inactive in the body and can be transmitted to others at the time of having sex with other partners.
Genital warts are characterized by a small bump or a cluster of bumps in the genital area. They can take different shape and sizes.
Please note that genital warts that are caused by HPV are not the same as genital herpes.
How to receive testing for real STIs
It was in 2018 when CDC collected data of people having known STIs. Nobody suffered from blue waffle disease in the past as it never existed.
There are some STIs that can lead to complication if go without treatment. It may also leads to infertility including some types of cancers.
Who needs STI testing?
For most sexually active people out there, they are likely to benefit from STI testing. It’s quite beneficial in most cases like:
Symptoms appear and indicating the presence of STI
Your partner already had sex outside or has multiple partners
You regularly have sex with multiple partners
Sex without protection
At the time of starting a sexual relationship with a new partner
In general,, STI testing is not required in cases of long term relationships, especially they have underwent screening before their relationship started.
STIs you should test for
If you have any of the above symptoms, you need to consult your doctor for a through checkup.
As different people have different sexual preferences and circumstances, you should undergo the test of the following:
- Trichomoniasis
- Syphills
- Hepatitis B
- Gonorrhea
- Chlamydia
When you consult your doctor about any of the above tests, you should ask him about which test he’s conducting.
What to tell your doctor before an STI test
When you go to a doctor for a routine checkup, you should make your doctor aware of the following:
- Give him details if you regularly engage in anal sex
- If you are pregnant because there are some STIs that cause serious anomalies
- About your sexual partner(s)
- Any potential exposures to an STI
- You are on current medication
- Which form of contraceptive you use
Where can you receive your testing?
Please note that STI tests can be done at the following places:
Doctor’s clinic: It can be arranged at doctor’s clinic
Government-funded healthcare clinics: Many government health care services offer such an STI testing
Planned Parenthood: It undergoes STI testing at different prices depending on your income and other factors
Some pharmacies: You may arrange testing for conditions like gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV AND chlamydia
Home testing: Right now, FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has approved only one kit for home STI testing
Types of STI tests
Please note that an STI test can be carried out in variety of ways by your doctor. When you first approach your doctor regarding some changes in your genitals, he may ask you to go for the below mentioned tests for a better clarity of the condition:
Swabs: A doctor inserts a small cotton applicator into your urethra to collect cells. There are some physicians who go for STI test by taking urethral, vaginal or cervical swabs. He may take an anal swab if you practice it regularly
Blood and urine test: syphilis, HIV, gonorrhea and chlamydia test can show up in a test of your blood or urine sample.
Physical examination: There are conditions like herpes and genital warts that start producing skin like symptoms around your anus and genitals. Due to this, your doctor will properly analyze the area for any sort of rashes, unusual lumps and more. These are done to determine if these symptoms are caused due to an STI. The doctor may also request for a swab or a blood or urine test to ascertain the diagnosis.
Frequently asked questions about blue waffle disease
Q.1 What is blue waffle disease?
Blue waffle disease is a fictional disease that actually spread over the Internet as a hoax. Users claimed that the condition can give vagina a blue tint and cause disfigurement
Q.2 How can I get blue waffle disease?
The above condition is not real
Q.3 How do I know I have blue waffle disease?
The blue waffle disease is a fictional thing and has no reality in it. Our recommendation in this regard will be not to avoid all your physical changes to your genitals as they could be the potential symptoms of a real STI.
In cases of vaginitis, you might have noticed symptoms like redness, irritation along with a discharge with odor resulting due to vaginitis.
Please note that there are several STIs that result to vaginitis including trichomoniasis, gonorrhea and chlamydia.
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