Broken Blood Vessel In Eye: Have you ever come across to a situation when the white part of your eye looks bright red? If yes, you tried to look into the probable causes for that? Well, the above condition is also known as subconjunctival hemorrhage that happens when a tiny blood vessel of your eye breaks.
In simpler term, the condition appears just like a bruise on your skin. The reason why you see redness in the white part of your eyes is because the conjunctiva can’t absorb blood too quickly. And so,, the blood gets trapped in between.
In most cases you won’t be able to realize what causes broken blood vessel in eye. It’s only when you stand in front of the mirror and check your eyes, you find the redness in them.
Please note that even if subconjunctival hemorrhage occurs, it won’t affect your eyes in any way. There are cases when a strong cough or sneeze becomes the reason to break a blood vessel of your eye. You’re not required to treat it in any way.
Although, subconjunctival hemorrhage looks alarming, but in reality it is a harmless condition that automatically disappears within a few weeks.
Broken Blood Vessel In Eye Symptoms
There can be so many reasons but the most crucial reason of subconjunctival hemorrhage is a bright red colored patch which is present on the white part (sclera) of your eye.
Most of the cases, when subconjunctival hemorrhage occurs, it looks worse. But in reality, it is harmless causing no changes in your vision, pain or any type of discharge. You may still have a little discomfort due to scratchy feeling on the surface of the eye.
Do you need to see a doctor?
In case, you have the problem of recurrent subconjunctival hemorrhages with bleeding, you should consult your doctor.
Broken Blood Vessel In Eye Causes
The causes of broken blood vessel in eye or subconjunctival hemorrhage are still not clear. Still, there are some causes that may erupt your blood vessels and rupture in your eye.
- Vomiting
- Straining
- Powerful sneezing
- Violent coughing
There are cases where subconjunctival hemorrhage can result from an eye injury including
- Trauma, such as a foreign object injuring your eye
- Roughly rubbing your eye
Risk factors
Take a look at some of the risk factors of subconjunctival hemorrhage
- Blood-clotting disorders
- Certain blood-thinning medications like warfarin (Jantoven, Coumadin) and aspirin
- High blood pressure (hypertension)
- Diabetes
Subconjunctival hemorrhage Complication
Please know that health complication due to subconjunctival hemorrhage is quite rare.
In case, you come across the above situation due to some type of trauma, you need to get in touch with your doctor to better evaluate your eyes.
If the bleeding in your eyes has a direct cause linked to blood-thinning medication or some type of bleeding disorder, you can consult your doctor in such cases. It will help reduce the risk of a subconjunctival hemorrhage.
Even if you feel the need to rub your eyes due to any reason, the best option will be to rub them gently. It’s because rubbing too hard may create some other problems which may further lead to a condition called subconjunctival hemorrhage.
Broken Blood Vessel In Eye Causes Diagnosis
When you go to your doctor with subconjunctival hemorrhage, he will first monitor or examine your eyes by looking at your eyes. In most cases, no other tests are required to resolve the condition.
But if you have he issue of recurrent subconjunctival hemorrhages, then you can expect your doctor going for some other tests like:
- Routine blood test to know that you are not going through any type of serious bleeding disorder
- Take your blood pressure
- Conduct an eye examination
- Ask queries regarding your general health and symptoms
Your doctor may recommend some eye drops that can be in the form of artificial tears.
This may help ease any sort of scratchy feeling you might be experiencing. But in most cases, the blood will be soaked within a few weeks. And so, you you will not require any sort of treatment.
What to expect from your doctor?
For known cases of broken blood vessel in eye, you need to contact your primary health taker. In most cases, you need to contact an ophthalmologist and prepare a set of some of the most viable questions that he is going to ask you.
What you can do
List any symptoms you’re experiencing: Don’t hide anything. Simply list all the symptoms you are experiencing even if they are unrelated to your current problem
List key personal information: Tell your doctor about any major stress or any sort of a change in your life recently
List all medications: Tell your doctor about all the medications you are taking
List questions that you wish to ask: you should have a fruitful conversation with your doctor for any medical issue that you are facing
When you prepare a small list of questions that you wish to ask, it will obviously save a lot of your time. For cases of subconjunctival hemorrhage, there are some of the basic questions that you may like to ask from your doctor:
- Do I need to be referred to a specialist?
- Are there restrictions that I need to follow?
- Do I need to undergo any tests?
- Will the above condition happen again?
- Is there any sort of treatment for the above condition?
- What might have caused this condition?
There can be some more questions that you can ask with your doctor. And so, you never hesitate asking questions during your appointment.
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