Listeria Outbreak: Due to the Listeria infection, as many as 22 people have been hospitalized. It also involved one causality as well.
Currently, the infection has been reported to many states in the US. It’s also known as food borne illness and is found to be dangerous in older adults and pregnant women.
The infection from Listeria can also prove dangerous in those with compromised immune systems.
Looking at the recent Listeria outbreak in the US, CDC has come to action. Due to the deadly infection from the bacteria that also acts as an intracellular parasite in mammals, the agency has been given the nod to investigate the cause of infection.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and many other agencies are currently investigating the Listeria outbreak. According to the CDC, it started last year on January 24, 2021.
The most recent case reported in this regard was on June 21, 2022. Those who fell ill die to Listeria infection live in different states from Massachusetts to Minnesota to Colorado.
Report says as many as 20 people travelled or lived in to Florida in that particular month before getting sick. But CDC says that they are still reviewing this.
Elliot Ryser, professor in food science and human nutrition at Michigan State University stated that Listeria outbreak is mostly on the rise due to a specific food product eaten by people.
Most common food articles include fresh produce, deli meat, raw milk cheeses and other such items. In order to remain safe, people with high risk categories have been advised to simply avoid these foods.
The data shows that 1 death occurred in Illinois due to Listeria infection. It also sickened other 23 people. Out of the patients detected with Listeria infection, 5 of them were found pregnant and one fetus was lost.
This is what the CDC report said, “The actual number of sick people in an outbreak is likely higher than the number reported, and the outbreak may not be limited to the states with known illnesses, it read.
“In addition, recent illnesses may not yet be reported as it usually takes three to four weeks to determine if a sick person is part of an outbreak.”
Food borne illness is something due to which millions of people become sick every year in the US. But only about 1,600 listeria infection case have been confirmed annually.
What Are the Most Common Listeria Symptoms?
Symptoms of listeria mostly range in people from mild to flu like fever along with seizures, confusion, stiff neck, and more. Therefore, CDC has advised anyone to contact a health care provider if they have any symptoms.
In the meanwhile, Ryser stated that listeria outbreak is not a cause for concern for those who generally remain healthy. Still, they need to take precaution to avoid infection.
Listeria Treatment
Listeria treatment is specific for individuals. For minor one, you don’t require any sort of medications. But for serious listeriosis cases, antibiotics are given.
For example, ampicillin is given alone or together with another antibiotic named gentamicin.
In case, meningitis or septicemia occurs, the person may have to be given some intravenous antibiotics. The entire treatment in such case will require almost 6 weeks of care and treatment.
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