
Category: News

Can Horsefly Bite Be Serious? What Happens When You Get Bit By A Horsefly?

If you are curious to know about a horsefly bite, then you need to read this document. Horseflies are generally referred to flying insects....

Researchers Examine Blood Proteins In Covid Patients Using A New Technique

A new study is being carried out by researchers where they are testing blood proteins in critically ill Covid patients. To be precise, researchers...

Tips to Manage Blood Sugar Or Diabetes During Christmas Festivities

As Christmas is near, you might have the desire to eat variety of food. But it should also be noted that you need to...

Study Finds Cystic Fibrosis Drug Helpful to Treat Pneumonia

As per the research completed by a group of scientists in Germany, a cystic fibrosis drug has been found effective to treat conditions like...

How Flu Shots can give Surprising Health Benefits (Besides Preventing Flu)

Flu Shots: This post is related to flu shots which are a type of vaccination given to adults and are proved quite effective in...

Intermittent Fasting May Reverse Type 2 Diabetes: Study

As per a new study, intermittent fasting has shown great results among people with diabetes. It's also known as complete diabetes remission, also known...

Worldwide News, Local News in San Francisco, Tips & Tricks
