
Category: News

90% Delhi Population Developed COVID-19 Antibodies: Sixth Serological Survey

COVID-19 Antibodies: As per a report submitted to the government on Wednesday, it's been reported that 90% of Delhi population has developed antibodies against...

Tips to Prevent Monkeypox Virus Infection

Tips to Prevent Monkeypox: Monkeypox is spreading at an alarming rate at the moment. The best way to get rid of its infection is...

How Your Ankles Can Indicate A Heart Disease

Just like many other medical ailments, a heart disease is a silent killer. It means the signs and symptoms of an underlying heart disease...

Nasal Vaccines Offer A New Hope to Fight Against COVID

Nasal vaccines are the most accurate way to keep the COVID-19 infection at bay. It's a way to boost immunity where the virus actually...

Czech Singer Hana Horka Dies After Catching COVID-19 Intentionally

A Czech singer has lost her life after intentionally getting caught COVID-19, as per her son told to leading news agencies. Right from the beginning,...

COVID-19 Surge In US Rural Areas In A State of Pandemic

COVID-19 Surge: Right after the coronavirus cases started spreading in China, it straightaway came to Italy and then in the US. Even today, you can...

Worldwide News, Local News in San Francisco, Tips & Tricks
