Bone Marrow Cancer: As per a recent study conducted at the American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting held recently, it was revealed that an oral pill named Momelotinib (once a day) can drastically improve the outcomes in patients suffering from myelofibrosis (MF).
What’s Myelofibrosis?
If you are still unaware of the above, let’s help you with this. Myelofibrosis is a form of bone marrow cancer that mainly disrupts the normal functioning of bone marrow.
Due to this it causes a direct impact on the production of red blood cells which leads to severe weakness along with other symptoms.
Out of hundreds of patients who suffer from anemia, it has been reported that one third of them tend to develop Myelofibrosis.
In such cases, survival often gets shortened for up to 2 years or more. Even in patients who are suffering from mild anemia, the survival can be up to 5 years or so. In order to treat such patients, a drug to treat anemia is given to them.
Also Read: White Blood Cells (WBC): Types, Function, Ranges & More
Is the Drug Ready to Treat Bone Marrow Cancer Or Myelofibrosis?
Initially, researchers couldn’t get enough data to find the effectiveness of Momelotinib. And then, they tried to analyze it with another medication called danazol.
The combination of drugs was given to patients who were symptomatic and anemic MF patients and were earlier treated with JAK inhibitor therapy. The above procedure is mainly 195 MF patients in 21 countries.
Out of all the participants who enrolled, as many as 130 received momelotinib. Out of them 65 received danazol. All the participants were made unaware which drug was given to them.
Improvements In Anemia, Spleen Size Noticed
In the clinical research conducted, the participants required only fewer transfusions to replace their RBC (Red Blood Cells). It also helped them to induce better oxygen carrying capacity. The above study was conducted during the COVID time.
Soon, it was established beyond doubt that Momelotinib met all the criteria as a better survival rate was noticed among participants after a span of 6 months which is something remarkable.
And so, it was revealed that Momelotinib can be used as a single oral pill to treat cases of myelofibrosis in the future.
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