الرئيسيةNewsLiving HealthyFirst Monkeypox Case Confirmed In Arkansas

First Monkeypox Case Confirmed In Arkansas

As per the latest update, monkeypox in Arkansas has been confirmed. According to the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH), the first case of monkeypox has been confirmed in the state of Arkansas.

As per Dr. Jennifer Dillaha, Arkansas has been monitoring monkeypox cases in the US. As the news looks quite alarming, there is no need to become panic.

It’s because monkeypox virus is not contagious as other viruses like COVID-19.

She further stated that they encourage those who feel they might have been exposed to the infection. In such cases, they need to contact their health provider at the earliest.


Monkeypox In Arkansas: ADH Urges People Not to Become Panic

As per the ADH press release, most common symptoms of monkeypox include a painful rash, muscle pain, headache, and fever. The rash may appear after 14 days of infection of monkeypox virus.

This can also happen through direct skin to skin contact with the infectious rash, body fluids, scabs or by touching contaminated surfaces including clothing.

The monkeypox virus can also be transmitted through respiratory secretions like during prolonged face to face contact. Please note that it’s not an airborne disease and can be prevented using proper vaccination.

There are so many antiviral drugs and immunoglobulins available to work against this menace. The first monkeypox case was detected in the US in the month of May.


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Also Read: EU Signs Deal With Bavarian Nordic for Over 1 Lakh Monkeypox Vaccines




Source: 5newsonline.com



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