Heart Disease Risk In Men: As per a new study conducted by researchers, loss of Y chromosome in the blood cells of men leads to an impaired heart function as they age. It may also lead to the death due to a cardiovascular disease.
The new study conducted may find the way for novel therapies to treat heart related risks and ailments.
The researchers conducted previously have shown that men (taken on an average) die much earlier than women due to the loss of Y chromosome in their white blood cells. And this is probably linked to an enhanced risk of developing some dreaded disorders like Alzheimer’s and cancer.
The new research was recently published in the general Science on Thursday. According to the finding, men who loss their Y chromosome mLOY (mosaic Loss Of Y) in WBC are on an enhanced risk of losing their lives due to heart diseases.
Researchers from Uppsala University in Sweden have to say that they used to think mLOY in WBC has a direct link on disease progression in other body organs.
This is what one of the researchers has to say, “In the mouse models used in the study, the mouse Y chromosome was eliminated to mimic the human mLOY condition and we analyzed the direct consequences that this had. Examination of mice with mLOY showed an increased scarring of the heart, known as fibrosis,” he said.
They further analyzed this and said that mLOY is involved in causing fibrosis which mainly leads to heart disease risk in men.
The study helped scientists to describe about a mechanism by which mLOY in blood causes a decline in other body organs which further sees a viable treatment option in the future.
When researchers tried to block the molecular pathway, they could well reversed the most pathological changes occurring in the heart caused mainly by mLOY .
This is what the lead researcher said, “The link between mLOY and fibrosis is very interesting, especially given the new treatment strategies for heart failure, pulmonary fibrosis and certain cancers that aim to counteract the onset of fibrosis. Men with mLOY could be a patient group that responds particularly well to such treatment,” he said.
Also Read: White Blood Cells (WBC): Types, Function, Ranges & More
Source: uk.news.yahoo.com