الرئيسيةNewsLiving HealthyPolio Virus Detected in India, Proper Surveillance of the Area Ordered

Polio Virus Detected in India, Proper Surveillance of the Area Ordered

Researchers have detected the presence of polio virus in gutter waters of Kolkata. According to the health officials of the state, it made everybody surprised to see how polio virus can reemerge in the country.

To be precise, the virus was detected in the congested Metiabruz area that comes all along through Number 15 borough of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation.


Reemergence of Polio Virus In India?

It was on a usual tests that health authorities conduct from time to time. During one such testing, they found the germs of poliovirus.

Right after the presence of virus was found, an emergency meeting of higher health officials was called which was also attended by the Eastern Indian representatives of the WHO.

In the meeting, it was decided to go through proper surveillance in the specified area to mainly identify if there was any child suffering from HIV (immune-deficiency syndromes).

The department of health in the state will also undergo open defecation and vaccination to get rid of the virus or any sort of infection raised in the area.

In addition to this, all the state run hospitals and medical colleges will also take part in this drive. They are directed to conduct stool test of all children with HIV admitted there.

Poliomyelitis is an infectious disease which is caused due to polio virus. The disease affects people of all groups and results in paralysis of several body parts where children are found to be most affected.


Also Read: Genetic Engineering Helps Treat HIV With A Single Injection



Source: Medindia.net


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