الرئيسيةNewsHealth and FitnessThe Effects of Overconsumption of Sugar & Oil On Liver Health

The Effects of Overconsumption of Sugar & Oil On Liver Health

liver health: Do you know liver is one of the most vital organs of the body? It’s because it plays so many roles in body function including helping in digestion and many other things.

So, it’s crucial that you take care of your liver by not taking a diet harmful for the normal functioning of the liver.

To be precise, foods rich in sugar and oil are considered to be a harmful diet for liver. If you are unaware but already taking a diet rich in sugar and oil, it’s time to avoid it because it can pose a risk not only to your liver health but also to your overall well being.

On the occasion of World Liver Day which is observed on April 19 every year, there is a need for you to know some of the important aspects in terms of your liver health.

These days, it has been noticed that most people are complaining of fatty liver disease which (in their later lives) pose serious risks to their liver functioning. In general, liver basically acts as body’s warehouse that tends to process everything that you eat.

Please note that when you indulge yourself in consuming excessive calories, it results in fatty liver disease which in turn becomes the reason for many other dreaded diseases like diabetes and other metabolic disorders.


Comprehending Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in the Context of High-Calorie Dietary Worries

Dr. Shreevidya, Medical Director at Apollo ProHealth, emphasized the growing worry surrounding non-alcoholic liver disease resulting from the consumption of high-calorie foods such as sugars and fats.

The above condition, comparable to alcohol-related liver disease, presents similar serious complications like liver cirrhosis. Dr. Shreevidya stressed that despite the widely recognized dangers of alcohol-related liver disease, non-alcoholic liver disease poses a significant health threat.

The very first impact that takes place after consuming excess liver and oil is that the person becomes obese. Once the process starts, the body of the person invites other metabolic diseases.

Please note that obesity basically fuels to your adverse liver health including non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases (NAFLD).

If you consider the data, it clearly reveals that every 4 Indian adults is either overweight or obese. In addition to the above, alcohol use is also on the rise among all generations.

As per an investigation conducted by AIIMS, while scrutinizing some NAFLD reports in India, it unveiled a troubling reality.

As per the report, over 38% Indians exhibit signs of fatty liver or NAFLD. The above problem was further known to affect nearly 35% children.

The above findings were included in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology.

Most physicians in this regards have already stressed the increasing prominence of liver diseases as significant public health concerns in India.

According to them, it has been noticed NAFLD often goes undetected during its early stages due to the absence of symptoms, but it can progress to severe liver ailments.


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Prevalence of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in India – (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9168741/)

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