الرئيسيةNewsLiving HealthyHow to Check If Your Thyroid Hormones Are Going Imbalanced

How to Check If Your Thyroid Hormones Are Going Imbalanced

Thyroid Hormones: Thyroid is a crucial gland which secretes thyroid hormones in very less quantity. Even though hormones are secreted in a very less quantity, they are highly effective.

Thyroid hormones are basically a type of chemical messengers that are released from thyroid gland are are directly mix into the blood. The blood carries these hormones to all body organs and tissues so as to exert their functions.

There are a number of thyroid hormones that act differently in respect to your body function and processes. Most common thyroid hormones are responsible for body growth and development.

Hormonal imbalances due to thyroid can lead to drastic changes in your health. And so, it’s required that you check any such kind of hormonal imbalances due to thyroid.

This post is all about some known thyroid imbalances that usually surface along with certain symptoms or signs.


How to identify a thyroid imbalance?

The first issue is to check if there is any kind of thyroid related imbalance prospering in your body.

But how will you do that? Well, thyroid is a gland located in front of your neck. It secretes thyroid hormones that regulate your vital body functions like maintaining your heart rate, body temperature and more.

As per an Ayurvedic doctor Dr. Dixa Bhavsar, “If your thyroid gets imbalanced, all your body functions get affected- metabolism, energy levels, body temperature, fertility, weight gain/loss, periods, hair health, mood (mental health) & heart rate.” The doctor recently took to her social media account to share such a crucial update.


Slow Metabolism & Decreased Energy Levels

Please note that thyroid essentially helps to control your metabolism. By metabolism, we meant that all the food you intake gets converted into energy which is required by the body.

And this is what Dr. Bhavsar has to say, “It helps you digest the food you eat, absorb necessary nutrients from it and also provides you energy by metabolizing your food.”.

Additionally, when your endocrine glands do not produce enough hormones (T3 and T4), it slows down the process of metabolism that leads to decreased energy levels followed by fatigue.


Changes In Your Body Weight

Those having thyroid related complications mainly cause excessive weight loss or gain. As per Dr Bhavsar, people suffering from hypothyroidism often find it difficult to maintain their healthy weight.

Thyroid gland basically releases hormones that help to burn out calories you intake.

In the absence of the gland not producing enough hormones, your body won’t be able to release energy from the calories that you intake and will lead to weight gain.

In order to make your body function properly, never underestimate the power of having a balanced diet along with daily exercise.


Hair Loss

In regards to hair loss due to thyroid issues, this is what Dr. Bhavsar has to say, “Your thyroid helps in absorption of essential nutrients like iron, calcium, etc that are responsible for hair growth.” And so, severe hyper or hypothyroidism may lead to hair loss.


Irregular Periods

Dr. Bhavsar has highlighted the impact of thyroid imbalance on a women’s health. Please note that the over or under production of thyroid hormones can lead to periods getting irregular.

And so, thyroid related ailments may also become the reason for delayed periods for several months. Medically, the above condition is referred to amenorrhea. In such cases, patients need to visit a qualified gynecologist.


Fertility Issues

Those suffering from thyroid related disorders often face fertility issues. It’s because your body starts lacking certain hormones that are crucial for conceiving.

For example, if you are suffering from hypothyroidism, it will be much harder for you to get conceived. It not only has a direct impact on ovulation but also makes it difficult to carry the foetus to the uterus.


Irregular Heart Rate

Like many other vital functions, thyroid related hormones are responsible for maintaining heart rate. Thyroid related issues will include a fluctuation in heart rate in cases of hypo and hyperthroidism.


Stress & Anxiety

In regards to the impact of thyroid imbalance, this is what Dr. Bhavsar has to say, “Imbalance in thyroid levels can make you feel stressed, anxious and depressed by increasing the amount of cortisol in your body.”.

It’s known that thyroid hormones directly impact your energy levels, a low amount of them leads to sudden mood swings along with disturbed sleep and nervousness.


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